Saturday, December 11, 2010


My name is Clara and I am a Sophomore at Animas High School. This is my digital portfolio, a website where I can post information about the amazing projects that I'm creating in school. I have a page for every class, although there is currently nothing on my math page. I will soon have a page for all my outside of school activities/hobbies such as writing and recording music, longboarding, and theatre at DHS. But for now, check out the pages for different classes and feel free to leave comments. Thanks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Clara!

    Here is the link to your song 'Ashes'. I've posted it on my blog, and shared it with my filmmaker friend, Zaira Brilhante,in the UK. The link to her webzine is also below.

    One of the links was shortened in the first comment. I had to fix it. :)
